We’ve all been there before. You get a couple of years into a long-term and committed relationship and find the spark that you used to enjoy has begun to die down – and may only be a flicker of light in...
Believe it or not, a permanent cure for Erectile Dysfunction (ED) may not come from modern medicine all – but instead a handful of ancient secrets used by Roman gladiators and some of the most prolific lovers throughout history to give...
Living with varicose veins is never easy. There’s nothing fun, flattering, or exciting about having to worry about bulging, rope like, dark blue blood vessels poking out of our skin – and it only gets worse when you are told that...
If you’ve been paying any attention at all to the world of health and nutrition, the odds are very good that you’ve heard about “super foods” and the abilities that they have to completely transform an individual’s health almost overnight –...
There’s nothing fun about suffering with lipoma, that’s for sure. A medical disorder that causes large lumps to spring forward out of your skin with almost no warning whatsoever – often times getting larger and larger until we inevitably visit the...